Educational film

At Locum, we work intensively to create safe and secure care environments which add dignity to the care provided. In the buildings we manage, the care aspect is our main focus. The buildings accommodate everything from life to death and it is our job to look after the buildings so that the care staff can look after the patients.


As part of our efforts to achieve continuous development, long-term goals and an all-round perspective, Locum has produced the training film Working for Locum in Hospital Environments. The film shows what it means to work in hospitals and how we all need to think in order to create safety and security – for you and your colleagues, for the patients, for the staff and for visitors.

We at Locum consider the message of the film so important that we are making it a requirement that everybody who works in a hospital environment has to see it.

As evidence that they have seen the film and signed a confidentiality agreement, individuals are to receive a high-visibility waistcoat bearing the words: ‘In collaboration with Locum’.